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Concrete Intersections: A Guide for Design & Construction (ACPA Publication)
This technical bulletin discusses the critical aspects in the design and construction of concrete standard intersections, from slab thickness requirements and joint types/layout to texturing and opening requirements.
Concrete Pavements: The Right Choice Beneath Your Tires (PDF)
This 16-page brochure, an ACPA publication, explains why concrete pavement is the most cost-effective and sustainable choice for highways, airports, roadways, and other pavement applications. To order a printed copy, contact ACPA at info@acpa.org or 847-966-2272.
Construction Specification Guidelines for Concrete Pavement Streets and Local Roads
(ACPA Publication) or for PDF click here
New specification guidelines provide information and specification language useful for developing street or local road project specifications, and acceptance criteria for smoothness, thickness and concrete strength. Footnotes, diagrams, and illustrations give added details and list important references for a specification writer.
Design of Concrete Pavements for Streets and Roads (ACPA Publication)
This 16-page publication provides an overview of all major variables in street and roadway design and also offers tips and technical information to assist designers, consultants, contractors and others involved in pavement design. The publication is organized into seven discrete topic areas, including street classification and traffic; geometric design considerations; subgrades and subbases; and concrete quality. Also included are thickness design; jointing; and construction specifications
Intersection Joint Layout (ACPA Publication)
This information sheet provides a 10-step method for intersection joint layout. Detailed diagrams are provided for each of the ten steps. A primary goal of the method is to reduce cracking by minimizing joints that intersect another joint or the pavement edge at an acute angle.
Recycling Concrete Pavements (ACPA Publication)
A 102-page comprehensive technical guide that addresses facts about recycling concrete for use in new concrete pavement structures.
Stormwater Management with Pervious Concrete Pavement (ACPA Publication)
This 6-page technical publication includes practical and useful basics of pervious concrete pavement design, construction and maintenance considerations.
Utility Cuts for Concrete Pavements (ACPA Publication)
This information sheet describes recommended practices for the restoration of utility trenches cut into concrete pavements.